Letters: CHCA stands with neighbors

Posted 4/28/21

Many readers of The Local are aware there is a flurry of proposed development plans in Philadelphia this spring. The Community Matters article in this week's edition outlines the development review process in Chestnut Hill. We urge everyone to read it.

It has come to our attention it may be necessary clear up some miscommunication regarding the Chestnut Hill Community Association's position on two of the projects that are in the early stage of development.

100-102 E. Mermaid Lane – The CHCA has been and continues to be committed to working with the East Mermaid Lane neighbors, the …

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Letters: CHCA stands with neighbors


Many readers of The Local are aware there is a flurry of proposed development plans in Philadelphia this spring. The Community Matters article in this week's edition outlines the development review process in Chestnut Hill. We urge everyone to read it.

It has come to our attention it may be necessary clear up some miscommunication regarding the Chestnut Hill Community Association's position on two of the projects that are in the early stage of development.

100-102 E. Mermaid Lane – The CHCA has been and continues to be committed to working with the East Mermaid Lane neighbors, the Chestnut Hill Conservancy, the Friends of the Wissahickon, and with the developers of the property, the Goldenberg Group, to see that the development of the property has the best possible outcome for the neighbors and the community at large.

The CHCA has been very clear in all our correspondence that we stand with the East Mermaid  Lane neighbors and the other Registered Community Organizations in Chestnut Hill in our opposition to the current plan for development of the site. The CHCA is not in support of the re-zoning of the 100-102 E. Mermaid Land property.

This project is only in the development stage with no plans having yet been submitted to the City.

10 Bethlehem Pike – The property owners of the 10 Bethlehem Pike have submitted a zoning permit application to the City to build a large apartment building by right (it would not need a variance and therefore not have to participate in public meetings and the development review process).

The CHCA in partnership with the Summit St. area neighbors’ group is prepared to challenge any permitting that is granted by-right and has secured an attorney to assist in this appeal should it be necessary.

We urge community residents to attend any and all of the upcoming public meeting to learn more as things “develop”. Meeting schedules are at chestnuthill.org/2021_upcoming_meetings.php

Thank you for your consideration and support of the CHCA.

Kathi Clayton, President
Tony Banks, VP of Physical Division
