Homes & Garden
69 results total, viewing 61 - 69
When we help people plan a kitchen, we tell them to design to fit the way they actually live. But that’s not always so easy to do when you’re looking at a blank slate. more
A number of new design-centered stores have recently popped up on the lower end of Germantown Avenue in Chestnut Hill. more
Welcome Spring! It is the time of renewal, revival and redecorating. The time to put away the blankets and bring out the bunnies. And what goes with bunnies? Flowers.  more
This is the second of three articles about innovative urban housing in south Chestnut Hill.  more
"The Decoration of Houses” continues to be an exact and authentic classic, and is arguably the most important book of its kind. more
The first of three articles about innovative group housing in south Chestnut Hill, which discusses developers George and Gertrude Woodward and their architects.  more
We worked for over a decade with one couple in their search for domestic simplicity.  more
For many years, newspaper real estate sections included the much sought after building description “open floor plan,” touting homes with no walls.  I happen to like rooms. more
In last week’s By Design column, Patricia Cove gave wise advice about the value of certain renovation decisions. This week, I thought I’d add to that discussion. more
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