201 results total, viewing 41 - 60
How disappointing that Len Lear was so rudely brushed off by George Carlin. I am happy that Lear forgave him. more
While I’m in complete agreement thus far on comments expressed regarding the Detweiler project, there's another issue. more
Our community group is proud to support the organization. more
The owners are not fulfilling their responsibilities to care for the property. The Chestnut Hill Conservancy also continues to fail. more
The camera doesn't protect bike riders or pedestrians when a car goes out of control. more
I am one of the principal biographer/promoters of the legend of Philo T. Farnsworth. I commend the job you have done. more
The Greylock estate has been deteriorating for at least two decades. more
The conservation and preservation easements on Greylock simply do not permit the construction of new residential buildings. more
After nearly a decade at the Chestnut Hill Conservancy, Executive Director Lori Salganicoff has decided to move on. more
I loved the article Len Lear wrote about Philo T. Farnsworth in last week's Local. I live in that house. more
Unless a champion steps forward, bulldozers and chainsaws are coming for Harston Woods in October. more
Help us grow our membership by sharing this message with your neighbors and asking them to become active members. more
Chestnut Hill has an extraordinary commercial corridor. more
The LUPZ and DRC committees of the CHCA and the Conservancy have proven again to be feckless in the face of developers. more
I saw your announcement of The Local’s remarkable record of 29 media awards. How far you and your team have led the newspaper! more
Thank you for giving front page coverage to Lincoln Drive traffic safety improvements in the May 16th issue.   more
I thought your readers might want to know that, in the April Primary Election, Ward 9 led the led the city in voter turnout. more
I want to publicly thank him for hand-delivering my SEPTA fare card recently. more
As mothers of young children who care deeply about the future of our community, we are excited to be running for a seat on the CHCA board. more
I was so happy and moved that you did a piece on Rod Serling (“Peeking into the past: My time with TV's 'angry young man,'” June 13!) more
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